Enhancing Communication: Using Video Technology to Solve Common Issues

Integration with Gmail

Free. With BombBomb in Gmail, easily record and send video messages any time.

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Video email for Gmail

Record, send, and track views of your video emails inside Gmail.

What does it do?

With BombBomb in Gmail, quickly and easily record and send simple video messages any time. We also have the Gmail Extension, also known as the Power Wheel, which allows you to include video, track all sends, an option to schedule emails, and more.

Make your communications stand out

Make your messages stand out. Video emails sent through Gmail get opened up to 2x more often. Record yourself, your screen, or both. Track views of your videos inside Gmail.

Unlimited video workspace

Create and access your video workspace while in Gmail. Easily add videos to any email. Record videos to answer common questions or provide instructions–to re-use them again and again.

Easy to record, faster delivery

BombBomb in Gmail allows you to record and deliver messages inside one app. Patented technology embeds new videos into emails faster. Includes a range of features for scripts, closed captioning, call to action, and video editing.

Track views for strategic insights

Track video email opens, clicks, plays, comments, and percent watched. Get alerts when videos are watched. Follow up with your contact when the timing is right.

Gmail users love BombBomb

“Love sending videos. The problem is with me, I need to do more! BombBomb is the Bomb! Great tool and I love the training and support they offer. Support is outstanding. Keep up the great work. Love it, love it..”

Deanna Blackburne

Super Gmail with BombBomb

Discover how personalized async videos can enhance communication throughout your organization right inside of Gmail.